Jackson and I went fishing at Edler's Lake across from our home on July 15. After sitting there for quite a while with no action, I took my line out of the water and attached a gold CastMaster lure. Using a technique that only Grandpas know that I cannot tell you unless you are a Grandpa, Jackson caught his first fish! It was a real beauty - a rainbow trout nearly 18" long. It was his first fish, and boy! was he excited. We took it home and cleaned it (Jackson held the fish's heart in his hands like a real fisherman) and cooked it for dinner. It wouldn't even fit in my frying pan after I cut the head off. That was a big fish! Congrats to Jackson. Now the bad news - when your first ever fish is a lunker like that, it's a long, slow, descent into regular fishing. I have only recently recovered from our Lee's Ferry fishing trip, which nearly spoiled Arizona fishing for me.
Slow Start
1 week ago