Well, I guess I left that one hanging in the air. Following my visit with Dr. Knippers late at night, it appears that some of my eye fluid has pulled away from the back of my right eye. I went the following week to see another eye doctor in Mesa, who told me the same thing. Now it has been over two months since I noticed the big "floaty" in my eye and the flashing lights, and nothing has changed. Not better; no worse. It is kind of irritating, when I am comparing numbers on sheets or screens all the time, and as I move my eye back and forth, the big floaty scrolls across my field of vision. Back and forth, back and forth. I have not yet learned to ignore it, as the doctor suggested.
I think I am getting to that age when, if I notice something wrong with my body, I think, "Well, I guess I had better get used to that." Getting old is a strange phenomenon, but it beats the alternative.