Imagine you are traveling in your car when you come upon the scene of an accident. You get out of your car to see if you can help. You see an injured person sitting on the side of the road, bleeding heavily from a cut on his head. Immediately you jump into action. Removing your belt, you wrap it around the injured person's neck and pull it tight, stopping the blood flow to his head. Almost immediately, the EMT arrives and tells you that you are doing the wrong thing. You sneer at him and say, "Those who would say I should have done nothing are just wrong. Something HAD to be done and quickly."
"But you are killing the patient!" screams the EMT.
"I do not ascribe to that philosophy," you reply. "That kind of treatment reflects the failed policies of the past."
Which is better in this situation: doing nothing or doing the wrong thing? Is the person who tells you that you are doing the wrong thing saying that you should do nothing? Obviously, the answer is no. If someone is doing the wrong thing, should you agree with the treatment just so you won't make waves? Are you mean-spirited if you say the belt around the neck will kill the patient? What if the person putting the belt around the neck of the injured person is black? If you disagree, does that make you a racist?
This is the level to which "political discourse" has fallen in this country. Our President (and I use the term loosely) demands that America will fall unless we put in place "reforms" that will kill what America has been and make it into a Socialist state that he has always wanted. He villifies those who oppose these measures as "wanting to do nothing." This is a false dichotomy. There are many other options besides the wrong option and "doing nothing." But in the haste of a false "crisis," discussion and debate are labeled as harmful. Really?
Those who oppose these measures are labeled as obstructionists or racists who oppose only because of political motives. Is it possible that they oppose because what is being done to "fix things" is the WRONG THING? Can someone tell me how placing Draconian restrictions on CEO pay will create jobs? Or how the complete makeover of the US health care system will create jobs? (Government beaurocracy jobs do not count)
Why is it that a person who gets an advanced education, works many long hours, studies and analyses business trends and builds a company to the point of success is evil if he/she makes more than $500 thousand per year? Why is it that a person who can throw a ball accurately and who makes millions of dollars per year is not evil? Or what about a person who makes a living pretending to be someone else and who makes millions of dollars per year? Evil? Not evil? Why does the President of the United States attack people who work for a living and say nothing of people who play or pretend for a living? Is it because they contributed to his campaign?
I hate to sound like a political nutcase, but I believe that the President of the United States knows NOTHING about how economies work. He doesn't understand where banks get their money - they get the money from US! We put our money in the bank, the bank lends it out to businesses or individuals who pay it back with interest, and they share that interest with us. It is that simple. If you add to the equation politicians who demand that banks lend money to people who cannot pay it back (which is what happened), the banks will lose money, and we all lose money in the process. This is what happens when you have politicians who think they know more about running a bank than bankers do.
The same politicians think they know more about the car industry than people who have spent their entire careers running the car industry. Politicians demand that car makers build cars that meet certain guidelines - but car makers want to build cars that people will want to buy. That is how they stay in business.
Politicians attack people who have retreats at resorts, but if everyone stops going to resorts, the people who work at those resorts will lose their jobs. Maids, desk clerks, reservation agents, chefs, waiters, lifeguards, etc - not exactly the highest paid people - will no longer be needed and their jobs will end. This is how politicians create the very problems they think they know how to solve. In reality, politicians know very little about anything except getting elected.
Instead of funding hundreds of billions of dollars to "stimulate the economy" by putting all of us, our children and grandchildren in debt to the Chinese, the President could have simply declared that no one would have to pay any income taxes this year. It would have been far less expensive to the United States and would have immediately given everyone bigger paychecks. That would have stimulated the ecomony, but it would not have made us all slaves.
We are seeing the dismantling of America by the very people who were originally elected as stewards of this nation. Perhaps if our President had spent as much time studying free market economics as he spent reading the writings of Karl Marx and other revolutionaries, he would have SOME IDEA WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT!
Sorry - I had to get that off my chest. Pray the God will deliver us from those who seek to destroy us, wherever they live. Killing us is not the only alternative to doing nothing.
Slow Start
1 week ago
very true and scary!
Wow Dad. That is very true, and well written. I have often thought about the same things. I just don't understand why people insist on being in captivity...
Seriously Dad, I would run for president in 2012 if I was old enough. Have you ever considered it? It just might be the "change" that the American people were hoping for when they elected our current White House resident. I read an article that stated (however true) that 73% of Americans trust other Americans more than they trust politicians (with good reason). (Just don't do that Hitler impersonation to any news cameras.)
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